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Magic the Gathering | Eternal Masters
Eternal Masters
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 CARTE SINGOLE - Carte singole Per numero
vengono visualizzate tutte le carte della serie e le verisoni Foil disponibili, non vengono visualizzate le altre eventuali ristampe della carta
1/249CGuardiano degli Squarci Aviano
 Aven Riftwatcher
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0001-e€ 0,15
2/249MBilancia dell'Equilibrio
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0002-e€ 5,00
non disponibile
3/249CCoorte di Ballynock
 Ballynock Cohort
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0003-e€ 0,15
4/249CGuardia del Corpo Benevola
 Benevolent Bodyguard
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0004-e€ 0,15
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0005-e€ 0,25
6/249CPretoriani della Coalizione
 Coalition Honor Guard
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0006-e€ 0,15
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0007-e€ 1,50
8/249CAvanguardia d'Elite
 Elite Vanguard
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0008-e€ 0,15
9/249RTutore Illuminato
 Enlightened Tutor
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0009-e€ 10,00
non disponibile
10/249UPastoie della Fede
 Faith's Fetters
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0010-e€ 0,25
11/249UCampo delle Anime
 Field of Souls
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0011-e€ 0,25
12/249UCervo Scintillante
 Glimmerpoint Stag
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0012-e€ 0,25
13/249UHonden del Fuoco Purificatore
 Honden of Cleansing Fire
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0013-e€ 0,50
non disponibile
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0014-e€ 0,15
15/249UVirtù Intoccabile
 Intangible Virtue
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0015-e€ 0,50
16/249RJareth, Titano Leonino
 Jareth, Leonine Titan
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0016-e€ 1,50
non disponibile
17/249RGuida del Karma
 Karmic Guide
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0017-e€ 3,00
18/249CEsperta Uncinata Kor
 Kor Hookmaster
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0018-e€ 0,25
19/249UIncantatrice della Mesa
 Mesa Enchantress
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0019-e€ 1,00
non disponibile
20/249CDestriero del Maestrale
 Mistral Charger
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0020-e€ 0,15
21/249CMonaco Idealista
 Monk Idealist
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0021-e€ 0,15
22/249RMadre delle Rune
 Mother of Runes
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0022-e€ 4,00
non disponibile
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0023-e€ 0,15
24/249CDare l'Allarme
 Raise the Alarm
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0024-e€ 0,25
25/249CRadunare i Contadini
 Rally the Peasants
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0025-e€ 0,15
26/249CSigillo della Purezza
 Seal of Cleansing
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0026-e€ 0,25
 Second Thoughts
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0027-e€ 0,15
28/249UAngelo di Serra
 Serra Angel
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0028-e€ 0,50
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0029-e€ 0,25
30/249UCaccia Anime
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0030-e€ 0,25
31/249CFalco dello Squadrone
 Squadron Hawk
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0031-e€ 0,50
non disponibile
32/249UDa Spade a Spighe!
 Swords to Plowshares
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0032-e€ 2,00
non disponibile
33/249RAssenza Inaspettata
 Unexpectedly Absent
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0033-e€ 1,00
non disponibile
34/249UMuro dei Presagi
 Wall of Omens
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0034-e€ 1,50
non disponibile
35/249USacerdote Guerriero di Thune
 War Priest of Thune
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0035-e€ 0,50
36/249CGuida Celeste
 Welkin Guide
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0036-e€ 0,15
37/249CLeone dalla Bianca Criniera
 Whitemane Lion
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0037-e€ 0,15
38/249RIra di Dio
 Wrath of God
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0038-e€ 5,00
non disponibile
39/249RArcanis l'Onnipotente
 Arcanis the Omnipotent
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0039-e€ 1,00
non disponibile
40/249UTempesta Cerebrale
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0040-e€ 2,50
non disponibile
41/249CSaggio Cefalide
 Cephalid Sage
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0041-e€ 0,15
42/249RControlla Creatura
 Control Magic
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0042-e€ 1,00
non disponibile
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0043-e€ 2,00
non disponibile
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0044-e€ 4,50
non disponibile
45/249CAnalisi Approfondita
 Deep Analysis
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0045-e€ 0,50
 Diminishing Returns
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0046-e€ 1,00
non disponibile
47/249CDistorsione Onirica
 Dream Twist
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0047-e€ 0,25
48/249UCertezza o Finzione
 Fact or Fiction
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0048-e€ 1,00
49/249MForza di Volontà
 Force of Will
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0049-e€ 95,00
non disponibile
50/249RVisione Futura
 Future Sight
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0050-e€ 1,00
non disponibile
51/249CForma Gassosa
 Gaseous Form
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0051-e€ 0,15
52/249CTestuggine Gigante
 Giant Tortoise
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0052-e€ 0,15
53/249CMuro Glaciale
 Glacial Wall
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0053-e€ 0,15
54/249UHonden dei Venti Veggenti
 Honden of Seeing Winds
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0054-e€ 0,50
non disponibile
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0055-e€ 2,50
non disponibile
56/249RLeviatano del Mar d'Inchiostro
 Inkwell Leviathan
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0056-e€ 1,00
57/249MJace, lo Scultore di Menti
 Jace, the Mind Sculptor
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0057-e€ 65,00
non disponibile
58/249UVetronibbio Fulmineo
 Jetting Glasskite
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0058-e€ 0,25
59/249CCaravella Portoghese
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0059-e€ 0,25
60/249CVuoto di Memoria
 Memory Lapse
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0060-e€ 0,25
61/249UTritone Saccheggiatore
 Merfolk Looter
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0061-e€ 0,25
62/249RTutore Mistico
 Mystical Tutor
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0062-e€ 7,50
non disponibile
63/249CGrazia di Oona
 Oona's Grace
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0063-e€ 0,15
64/249CDraghetto Pellegrino
 Peregrine Drake
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0064-e€ 1,00
65/249CMostro Fantasma
 Phantom Monster
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0065-e€ 0,15
66/249UIngeritore di Phyrexia
 Phyrexian Ingester
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0066-e€ 0,25
67/249UStregone Errante
 Prodigal Sorcerer
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0067-e€ 0,25
68/249UMeditazione Serena
 Quiet Speculation
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0068-e€ 0,25
69/249CSkaab Urlante
 Screeching Skaab
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0069-e€ 0,15
70/249REfreet di Serendib
 Serendib Efreet
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0070-e€ 1,00
71/249CRanger della Costa
 Shoreline Ranger
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0071-e€ 0,15
72/249CDipartita Silenziosa
 Silent Departure
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0072-e€ 0,15
73/249UFolletta Nobile
 Sprite Noble
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0073-e€ 0,50
74/249CTocco Frastornante
 Stupefying Touch
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0074-e€ 0,15
75/249COndata di Marea
 Tidal Wave
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0075-e€ 0,25
76/249CCustode dell'Isola Evos
 Warden of Evos Isle
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0076-e€ 0,25
77/249ULa Meraviglia
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0077-e€ 0,50
non disponibile
78/249UAnimare i Morti
 Animate Dead
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0078-e€ 1,50
non disponibile
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0079-e€ 1,00
80/249CDruido del Suolo Avvizzito
 Blightsoil Druid
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0080-e€ 0,15
81/249UArtista Sanguinario
 Blood Artist
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0081-e€ 4,00
non disponibile
82/249RBraids, Servitore della Cabala
 Braids, Cabal Minion
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0082-e€ 3,00
83/249UTerapia della Cabala
 Cabal Therapy
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0083-e€ 5,00
 Carrion Feeder
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0084-e€ 0,50
non disponibile
85/249CSciamana di Pontemorto
 Deadbridge Shaman
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0085-e€ 0,15
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0086-e€ 0,25
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0087-e€ 15,00
non disponibile
88/249CFine del Mal'Occhio
 Eyeblight's Ending
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0088-e€ 0,15
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0089-e€ 0,25
90/249UDemone della Distruzione
 Havoc Demon
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0090-e€ 0,25
91/249UHonden dei Confini della Notte
 Honden of Night's Reach
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0091-e€ 0,50
non disponibile
 Hymn to Tourach
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0092-e€ 2,50
non disponibile
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0093-e€ 4,50
94/249CSangue Innocente
 Innocent Blood
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0094-e€ 0,50
95/249USfregiatrice di Lys Alana
 Lys Alana Scarblade
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0095-e€ 0,50
96/249RAfflizione Malefica
 Malicious Affliction
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0096-e€ 3,00
non disponibile
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0097-e€ 0,25
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0098-e€ 7,00
non disponibile
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0099-e€ 1,00
100/249CSussurri della Notte
 Night's Whisper
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0100-e€ 0,50
non disponibile
101/249UGargantua di Phyrexia
 Phyrexian Gargantua
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0101-e€ 0,25
102/249CFuria di Phyrexia
 Phyrexian Rager
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0102-e€ 0,15
103/249CStrega della Peste
 Plague Witch
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0103-e€ 0,15
104/249CPangolino Furtivo
 Prowling Pangolin
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0104-e€ 0,15
105/249UAutocrate di Sengir
 Sengir Autocrat
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0105-e€ 1,00
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0106-e€ 18,00
107/249CFantasma Codardo
 Skulking Ghost
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0107-e€ 0,15
108/249RDiluvio Tossico
 Toxic Deluge
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0108-e€ 9,00
non disponibile
109/249CTragico Scivolone
 Tragic Slip
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0109-e€ 0,50
110/249CAbominio Folle
 Twisted Abomination
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0110-e€ 0,25
111/249CRivolta di Urborg
 Urborg Uprising
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0111-e€ 0,15
112/249MTutore Vampirico
 Vampiric Tutor
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0112-e€ 39,00
non disponibile
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0113-e€ 1,50
non disponibile
114/249RVisara la Temibile
 Visara the Dreadful
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0114-e€ 1,50
non disponibile
115/249CStormo di Avvoltoi
 Wake of Vultures
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0115-e€ 0,15
116/249CDanzatrice della Veglia
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0116-e€ 0,15
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0117-e€ 0,15
118/249USquadrone di Battaglia
 Battle Squadron
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0118-e€ 0,25
119/249UCapo Cavalcascarabei
 Beetleback Chief
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0119-e€ 0,50
non disponibile
120/249CPredatrice delle Terre di Confine
 Borderland Marauder
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0120-e€ 0,15
121/249UVendetta Scottante
 Burning Vengeance
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0121-e€ 0,25
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0122-e€ 0,15
123/249UFulmini a Catena
 Chain Lightning
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0123-e€ 5,00
non disponibile
124/249RBestia del Cratere
 Crater Hellion
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0124-e€ 1,50
125/249CDelirio Disperato
 Desperate Ravings
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0125-e€ 0,25
126/249CUovo di Drago
 Dragon Egg
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0126-e€ 0,15
127/249RMaga Duplicatrice
 Dualcaster Mage
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0127-e€ 2,50
non disponibile
128/249CSaccheggio degli Infedeli
 Faithless Looting
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0128-e€ 1,50
non disponibile
129/249CCataro Fervente
 Fervent Cathar
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0129-e€ 0,15
130/249CLampo di Fuoco
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0130-e€ 0,50
131/249UStoccata Fiammeggiante
 Flame Jab
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0131-e€ 0,50
132/249RGiocare d'Azzardo
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0132-e€ 9,00
non disponibile
133/249UFromboliere Ghitu
 Ghitu Slinger
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0133-e€ 0,25
134/249UHonden della Rabbia Infinita
 Honden of Infinite Rage
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0134-e€ 0,50
non disponibile
135/249UCampione di Keldon
 Keldon Champion
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0135-e€ 0,25
136/249CPredoni di Keld
 Keldon Marauders
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0136-e€ 0,25
137/249CGorilla di Kird
 Kird Ape
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0137-e€ 1,00
138/249CMogg Fanatico
 Mogg Fanatic
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0138-e€ 0,50
139/249CMogg Maresciallo di Guerra
 Mogg War Marshal
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0139-e€ 0,50
non disponibile
140/249COrifiamma Orchesco
 Orcish Oriflamme
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0140-e€ 0,15
141/249UPrezzo del Progresso
 Price of Progress
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0141-e€ 2,50
non disponibile
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0142-e€ 3,50
non disponibile
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0143-e€ 1,50
non disponibile
144/249CCarica Avventata
 Reckless Charge
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0144-e€ 0,15
145/249RRorix Alaspada
 Rorix Bladewing
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0145-e€ 1,00
146/249CPestata Sismica
 Seismic Stomp
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0146-e€ 0,15
147/249RCapo della Squadra di Assedio
 Siege-Gang Commander
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0147-e€ 1,50
non disponibile
148/249MAttacco a Sorpresa
 Sneak Attack
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0148-e€ 21,00
non disponibile
149/249CFustigatore Urticante
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0149-e€ 0,25
150/249RVortice Sulfureo
 Sulfuric Vortex
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0150-e€ 1,50
non disponibile
151/249UZanne e Artigli
 Tooth and Claw
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0151-e€ 0,25
152/249CRabbia Imperitura
 Undying Rage
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0152-e€ 0,15
153/249CEmissario della Fiamma
 Wildfire Emissary
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0153-e€ 0,15
154/249MDrago Divoramondo
 Worldgorger Dragon
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0154-e€ 2,50
non disponibile
155/249UGiovane Piromante
 Young Pyromancer
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0155-e€ 2,50
non disponibile
156/249CCrescita Abbondante
 Abundant Growth
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0156-e€ 0,50
non disponibile
157/249UMaschera Ancestrale
 Ancestral Mask
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0157-e€ 0,50
non disponibile
158/249MIncantatrice Argothiana
 Argothian Enchantress
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0158-e€ 9,00
non disponibile
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0159-e€ 0,50
160/249UCapotribù Centauro
 Centaur Chieftain
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0160-e€ 0,25
161/249CBattipista Urbano
 Civic Wayfinder
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0161-e€ 0,15
162/249CComunione con gli Dei
 Commune with the Gods
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0162-e€ 0,25
163/249CGuida degli Elefanti
 Elephant Guide
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0163-e€ 0,25
164/249CAvanguardia Elfica
 Elvish Vanguard
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0164-e€ 0,50
165/249CCoccodrillo imperatore
 Emperor Crocodile
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0165-e€ 0,15
166/249UCinghiale dallo Zoccolo Incendiario
 Flinthoof Boar
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0166-e€ 0,50
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0167-e€ 0,25
168/249UBenedizione di Gea
 Gaea's Blessing
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0168-e€ 1,00
169/249RZenit del Sole Verde
 Green Sun's Zenith
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0169-e€ 7,00
non disponibile
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0170-e€ 2,00
171/249RDruida dell'Eredità
 Heritage Druid
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0171-e€ 10,00
non disponibile
172/249UHonden della Rete della Vita
 Honden of Life's Web
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0172-e€ 0,50
non disponibile
173/249RPerfetta Autoritaria
 Imperious Perfect
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0173-e€ 3,00
non disponibile
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0174-e€ 1,00
non disponibile
175/249CElfi di Llanowar
 Llanowar Elves
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0175-e€ 0,50
non disponibile
176/249CCapocaccia di Lys Alana
 Lys Alana Huntmaster
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0176-e€ 0,25
non disponibile
177/249MOrdine Naturale
 Natural Order
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0177-e€ 25,00
non disponibile
178/249CRivendicazione della Natura
 Nature's Claim
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0178-e€ 0,50
non disponibile
179/249CMangusta Agile
 Nimble Mongoose
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0179-e€ 0,25
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0180-e€ 3,00
non disponibile
181/249RForza Regale
 Regal Force
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0181-e€ 7,50
182/249URuggito del Wurm
 Roar of the Wurm
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0182-e€ 0,50
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0183-e€ 0,15
184/249CSigillo della Forza
 Seal of Strength
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0184-e€ 0,25
185/249CRagno Sentinella
 Sentinel Spider
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0185-e€ 0,15
186/249RSilvos, Elementale Esiliato
 Silvos, Rogue Elemental
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0186-e€ 1,00
non disponibile
187/249RBiblioteca Silvestre
 Sylvan Library
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0187-e€ 22,00
non disponibile
188/249CPotenza Silvestre
 Sylvan Might
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0188-e€ 0,15
189/249CArciere della Foresta Spinata
 Thornweald Archer
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0189-e€ 0,25
190/249UElfo Guardaboschi
 Timberwatch Elf
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0190-e€ 0,50
non disponibile
191/249COrso Mannaro
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0191-e€ 0,25
192/249USimbionte di Boscocavo
 Wirewood Symbiote
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0192-e€ 1,50
193/249RSciame Xantide
 Xantid Swarm
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0193-e€ 3,00
194/249CIncantatrice di Yavimaya
 Yavimaya Enchantress
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0194-e€ 0,25
195/249UMantello di Armadillo
 Armadillo Cloak
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0195-e€ 2,00
196/249RStrige Funesto
 Baleful Strix
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0196-e€ 5,00
197/249UElfa dalle Trecce Rosse
 Bloodbraid Elf
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0197-e€ 5,00
 Brago, King Eternal
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0198-e€ 3,00
non disponibile
 Dack Fayden
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0199-e€ 20,00
non disponibile
 Extract from Darkness
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0200-e€ 0,25
201/249UZelota Figlio del Fuoco
 Flame-Kin Zealot
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0201-e€ 0,50
202/249RSguardo di Sottomissione
 Glare of Subdual
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0202-e€ 1,50
203/249RTrincee dei Goblin
 Goblin Trenches
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0203-e€ 1,00
204/249MErrante del Maelstrom
 Maelstrom Wanderer
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0204-e€ 10,00
205/249USciamana della Banda
 Shaman of the Pack
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0205-e€ 0,50
non disponibile
206/249RAgente di Nessun Frammento
 Shardless Agent
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0206-e€ 8,00
207/249MSfinge del Vento d'Acciaio
 Sphinx of the Steel Wind
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0207-e€ 3,00
208/249UViverna del Rombo di Tuono
 Thunderclap Wyvern
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0208-e€ 0,25
209/249UPredatore Trigone
 Trygon Predator
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0209-e€ 1,00
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0210-e€ 7,50
non disponibile
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0211-e€ 1,50
212/249UDragonauti in Miniatura
 Wee Dragonauts
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0212-e€ 0,50
213/249UPersecuzione Zelante
 Zealous Persecution
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0213-e€ 1,00
214/249RInvocare il Solcacielo
 Call the Skybreaker
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0214-e€ 1,00
215/249RSciamano Letalmago
 Deathrite Shaman
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0215-e€ 7,50
non disponibile
216/249RSolifugo Gigante
 Giant Solifuge
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0216-e€ 1,00
217/249UTorrente delle Anime
 Torrent of Souls
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0217-e€ 0,50
218/249UAltare di Ashnod
 Ashnod's Altar
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0218-e€ 4,00
non disponibile
219/249MMox di Cromo
 Chrome Mox
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0219-e€ 10,00
non disponibile
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0220-e€ 2,50
221/249UTomo di Emessi
 Emmessi Tome
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0221-e€ 0,25
222/249RSparafuoco Goblin
 Goblin Charbelcher
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0222-e€ 3,00
223/249RScettro Isocrono
 Isochron Scepter
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0223-e€ 5,00
non disponibile
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0224-e€ 0,25
 Mana Crypt
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0225-e€ 130,00
non disponibile
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0226-e€ 0,25
 Mindless Automaton
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0227-e€ 0,25
228/249RDisco di Nevinyrral
 Nevinyrral's Disk
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0228-e€ 2,00
229/249COcchio del Pellegrino
 Pilgrim's Eye
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0229-e€ 0,25
230/249ULente Prismatica
 Prismatic Lens
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0230-e€ 0,50
231/249UReliquia del Progenitus
 Relic of Progenitus
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0231-e€ 4,00
non disponibile
232/249RCappa delle Profezie del Sensei
 Sensei's Divining Top
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0232-e€ 30,00
non disponibile
233/249UGnomi a Orologeria
 Ticking Gnomes
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0233-e€ 0,50
234/249RGlobo dell'Inverno
 Winter Orb
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0234-e€ 5,00
non disponibile
235/249UPietra del Potere Consunta
 Worn Powerstone
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0235-e€ 1,00
non disponibile
236/249CCaverne del Sangue Versato
 Bloodfell Caves
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0236-e€ 0,25
237/249CSabbie Verdeggianti
 Blossoming Sands
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0237-e€ 0,25
non disponibile
238/249CAcquitrino Tetro
 Dismal Backwater
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0238-e€ 0,25
239/249CConca nella Giungla
 Jungle Hollow
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0239-e€ 0,25
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0240-e€ 55,00
non disponibile
241/249RLabirinto di Ith
 Maze of Ith
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0241-e€ 12,50
non disponibile
242/249UFabbrica di Mishra
 Mishra's Factory
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0242-e€ 1,50
243/249CAltopiani Accidentati
 Rugged Highlands
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0243-e€ 0,25
244/249CDistese Desolate
 Scoured Barrens
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0244-e€ 0,25
245/249CRupi di Rapidacque
 Swiftwater Cliffs
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0245-e€ 0,25
246/249CCascate di Boscorovo
 Thornwood Falls
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0246-e€ 0,25
247/249CBaia Tranquilla
 Tranquil Cove
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0247-e€ 0,25
248/249RLande Desolate
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0248-e€ 35,00
non disponibile
249/249CDirupo Eroso dai Venti
 Wind-Scarred Crag
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0249-e€ 0,25
1/16TDirupo Eroso dai Venti
 Wind-Scarred Crag
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0250-e€ 1,50
3/16TDirupo Eroso dai Venti
 Wind-Scarred Crag
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0252-e€ 0,50
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0252-e€ 0,50
2/16TDirupo Eroso dai Venti
 Wind-Scarred Crag
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0252-e€ 0,50
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0252-e€ 0,50
4/16TDirupo Eroso dai Venti
 Wind-Scarred Crag
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0253-e€ 1,50
5/16TDirupo Eroso dai Venti
 Wind-Scarred Crag
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0254-e€ 1,50
6/16TDirupo Eroso dai Venti
 Wind-Scarred Crag
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0255-e€ 0,50
7/16TDirupo Eroso dai Venti
 Wind-Scarred Crag
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0256-e€ 1,50
8/16TDirupo Eroso dai Venti
 Wind-Scarred Crag
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0257-e€ 0,50
9/16TDirupo Eroso dai Venti
 Wind-Scarred Crag
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0258-e€ 0,50
10/16TDirupo Eroso dai Venti
 Wind-Scarred Crag
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0259-e€ 0,50
11/16TDirupo Eroso dai Venti
 Wind-Scarred Crag
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0260-e€ 0,50
12/16TDirupo Eroso dai Venti
 Wind-Scarred Crag
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0261-e€ 1,00
13/16TDirupo Eroso dai Venti
 Wind-Scarred Crag
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0262-e€ 1,00
14/16TDirupo Eroso dai Venti
 Wind-Scarred Crag
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0263-e€ 0,50
15/16TDirupo Eroso dai Venti
 Wind-Scarred Crag
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0264-e€ 1,00
16/16TDirupo Eroso dai Venti
 Wind-Scarred Crag
mint / near mintMG-EMA-0265-e€ 2,50
C Comune   C-FA Comune Full Art   C-FA-FOIL Comune Full Art Foil   C-FOIL Comune Foil   U Non Comune   U-FA Non Comune Full Art   U-FOIL Non Comune Foil   U-FA-FOIL Non Comune Full Art Foil   R Rara   R-FA Rara Full Art   R-FOIL Rara Foil   R-FA-FOIL Rara Full Art Foil   M Mitica   M-FA Mitica Full Art   M-FOIL Mitica Foil   M-FA-FOIL Mitica Full Art Foil   L Terra Base   L-FA Terra Base Full Art   L-FOIL Terra Base Foil   L-FA-FOIL Terra Base Full Art Foil   T Token   T-FOIL Token Foil   MPS Masterpiece   CH Checklist   P Plane   S Scheme   E Phenomenon   
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#29 "Il grande segreto della vita è che non ci sono sono grandi segreti. Qualunque sia il tuo obbiettivo, puoi arrivarci se sei disposto a lavorare." (Oprah Winfrey)